There are lots of way for promoting your website free of cost.Many of us pay a good amount of money for promoting their business, website on internet. Here are
Top 10 Ways to Increase Website Traffic Fast for Free.
Submit site to major Search Engines- Search engines are those where we go and search something. Google, Yahoo, Bing are most popular search engines. There are lots of search engines. If possible submit your site to all these search engines and web directories for getting more traffic. By submitting your site to search engines, it will boost your ranking in search engines.
Exchange Links- Exchanging links are the faster way for promoting your website. In exchange links method, Contact the owners of other websites with your same industry. In this, you have add their website link to your page, and they will do same thing.
Forum Posting- In forum posting, people are discuss on many topic. Choose a topic related to your website. Give best answers for people's questions. You can also put a question. At the end put a link to your website, so that people can visit your site also.
Blog Commenting- Visits other people's blog related to your topic. Give good comments and leave your website link there. It will give you good traffic.
Email Signature- It can also helpful for increase website traffic. Add your website link in a email signature. Every time when you send a mail, your name will working as your website link. If someone click on your name, he will gone directly on your site.
Article Submission- If you love writing article, then it will be very helpful for you. Write articles relates to your site, and include a link in your author bio. People those read your article also visit your website. You can boost it more by sharing your article on social networking sites.
Classified Ad Posting Sites- Advertise your website on high ranking classified sites. One of the best classified site is that gives instant response. Post some ads on classified sites & get a better result.
Create a Facebook Page- All of us know that facebook is the most popular social networking site that is used in all over the world. It has millions of daily users. Create a fb page related to your topic and join more group. Share your website links on those group & you will get more visiters for your site.
Social Bookmarking Sites- Social bookmarking sites are very useful for making good backlinks to your site. It will help to increase your page rank and website traffic.
You can also view my another post-
Tips For Increasing Facebook Traffic